Vision: Spreading awareness for building a strong sports base in our Bhavanas as well as University youth through various physical exercises. To keep World Stability, sustainability Wealth and Peace. To develop healthy environment and human resources. To develop national and Inter National Integration through Sports.Today’s Stars, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Mission: To supervise and control the Sports activities of the class II to XII at afternoon session. To take necessary steps for organizing various Sports Competition (i.e. Inter Bhavana, Inter Department, Inter Class, National University Games, Invitation Matches etc.). To take part Various Tournaments/ Competitions (Inter School, National /University Games, Subdivision/District, Invitation Match etc.) To organize various Sports Seminar/Conference/ Work-shop and take initiative for Guest lecture/ coaching by the reputed Sports personalities. To develop the Sports equipment for wide Sports facilities of the University youth. Short term and long term coaching camp in various sports discipline. Admission in Sports quota for talented players and their facilities. Sports culture exchange programme with leading Universities in India as well as aboard. To conduct the Annual Prize distribution Ceremony for motivating the budding Student players and wide information to others. To maintain and develop healthy relation, Communication with the State Association, Association of Indian Universities, Sports Authority of India, District Association and other similar Sports bodies for utilize the wide opportunity regarding betterment of University Sports. To develop the general fitness of the student youth, find out talent player and support them for higher level of sports achievement. To utilize the latest scientific Sports knowledge with develop the modern sports infrastructure. More than 200 student’s players are participating in various National Universities games.