Reservation Registers / Reservation Roster Registers


24/05/2024 - Notification - Publication of reservation rosters for Persons with disabilities for the posts of Group-A, Group-B & Group-C of the university (Office Memo No. VB/SCT-151/2024-25 Dt. 24/05/2024)

17/04/2024 - Notification - Publication of updated Reservation Registers/Reservation Roster Registers for Teaching/ Non-Teaching posts of the University(No.VB/SCT-151/2024-25,Dt.17/04/2024)

Teaching Post        Non-Teaching Post 

   01/01/2024 -Notification - Publication of corrected Reservation Roster Registrar for Direct Recruitment for the post of Deputy Registrar of Group-A of the University(Memo No.VB/SCT-151/2023-24, Dt.01/01/2024)

01/01/2024-Notification - Publication of Reservation Roster Registrar for Persons with Disabilities for the post of Group-A & Group-B of the University(Memo No.VB/SCT-151/2023-24, Dt. 01/01/2024)

17/04/2023 - Notification - Vacancy Based Reservation Roster for Persons with Disabilities of Group -C Non-Teaching posts of the University(No.VB/SCT-151/2023-24,Dt.17/04/2023) 

Non-Teaching Post :  Group -C- Vacancy Based Reservation Roster for Persons with Disabilities


31/03/2023 - Notification - Publication of revised Reservation Registers/Reservation Roster Registers for some Non-Teaching posts of the University(No.VB/SCT-151/2022-23,Dt.31/03/2023)

Non-Teaching Post : Revised Reservation Registrars, Reservation Rosters Registrars of 2023


16/02/2023 - Notification - Publication of updated Reservation Registers/Reservation Roster Registers of the Non-Teaching Staff and Assistant Lectures as on 15/02/2023(Office Memo No.VB/SCT-151/2022-23, Dt. 16/02/2023)

Teaching Post :   Assistant Lecturers

Non-Teaching Post :     Group-A       Group-B     Group-C      Group-C(MTS) 


01/02/2023- Notification - Publication of updated Reservation  Registers of the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor (Office Memo No.VB/SCT-151/2022-23,Dt.01/02/2023)

Professor             Associate professor             Assistant Professor 


20/09/2022 - Notification -Publication of updated Reservation Roster for Persons with Disabilities of Group-B, Group-C & Group-C (MTS)posts of the University 

  Group-B          Group-C      Group-C(MTS) 


30/05/2022-Notification - Publication of draft updated Reservation Registers/Reservation Roster Registers for the posts of Assistant Lecture of Patha Bhavana, Siksha Satra & P.S.V. and the Non-Teaching posts of Group -A, Group-B, Group-C & Group C(MTS) of the University(Memo No.VB/SCT-134/2022-23,Dt.30/05/2022)

Teaching Post :   Assistant Lecturers

Non-Teaching Post :     Group-A       Group-B     Group-C      Group-C(MTS) 


30/03/2022 - Notification - Publication of updated Reservation Roster for Persons with Disabilities of Group-A posts of the University( No.VB/SCT-134/2021-22, Dt.30/03/2022)    Group-A posts   

29/03/2022 - Notification - Publication of updated Reservation  Registers of the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor ( No.VB/SCT-134, Dt. 29/03/2022)

Professor              Associate professor             Assistant Professor 

15/11/2021 - Notification - Publication of updated Reservation Registers/Reservation Roster Registers of the Non-Teaching Staff and Assistant Lectures as on 01/01/2021(No.VB/SCT-134, Dt. 15/11/2021) 

 Teaching Post :   Assistant Lecturers 

Non-Teaching Post :     Group-A       Group-B     Group-C      Group-C(MTS) 


07/04/2021 - Notification - Publication of updated Reservation Registers/Reservation Roster Registers of the Teaching Posts as on 01/01/2021( No.VB/SCT-134, Dt. 07/04/2021)

Professor              Associate professor             Assistant Professor      file/PWD Reservation Roster.pdf


 04/12/2020 - Notification - Publication of updated Reservation Roster for Non-Teaching Posts as on 01/01/2020 (No. VB/SCT-134/ ,dated 04/12/2020) 

  Group-A       Group-B     Group-C      Group-C(MTS)          


Professor                                                                    Associate Prefessor                                                                          Assistant Professor 
Teaching Posts:     Assistant Lecturer & Eqv.                   Assistant Professor                Associate Professor                 Professor
Non-Teaching Posts:    Gr.-C (MTS)  Non-Teaching          Gr.-C Non-Teaching            Gr.-B Non-Teaching             Gr.-A Non-Teaching
13/11/2017 - Notification - Reservation Rosters / Reservation Registers & PWD Roster (Memo No. VB/SCT-134/2017-18/102 dt.13/11/2017)
Teaching Posts:     Assistant Lecturer                    Assistant Professor                Associate Professor                 Professor
Non-Teaching Posts:    Gr.-C (MTS)  Non-Teaching          Gr.-C Non-Teaching            Gr.-B Non-Teaching             Gr.-A Non-Teaching
PWD Roster: Person with Disabilities (PWDs) 
Notification by Registrar (Acting) (Memo No. VB/SCT-134/2016-2017/ dated 08.09.2016

Persons with Disabilities                Teaching Posts                        Non-Teaching Posts